

ENNEAGRAM as development tool

ENNEAGRAM is a development tool that consists of 9 types and that examines your motives. Each type is in each of us, but one of them is your autopilot, both consciously and unconsciously. By becoming aware of their automatic behaviour and reactions, people are given the choice to make a conscious change, and a foundation can be laid for personal growth.

Using a questionnaire and an interview of one hour, together we search for your type, and from there we work towards a personal development programme.

9 types of the Enneagram


  • Type 1: Virtuous reformer
  • Type 2: Caring advisor
  • Type 3: Successful achiever
  • Type 4: Romantic individualist
  • Type 5: Inquiring thinker
  • Type 6: Loyal guardian
  • Type 7: Entertaining optimist
  • Type 8: Protective challenger
  • Type 9: Peaceful mediator

Type 1:
peaceful mediator, perfectionist, reformer, inspector, judge, entrepreneur

  • Characteristics: avoiding mistakes, working hard on a better world, conscientious, very dutiful
  • Development potential: sticking less closely to one’s own ideas, daring to make mistakes, looking at perfection differently

Type 2:
Caring adviser, helper, giver, lover, guardian angel, planner

  • Characteristics: always available to others, trustworthy, sociable, loving, generous
  • Development potential: learning to say ‘no’, expressing your own needs, self-care

Type 3:
Successful achiever, winner, manager, performer, status seeker

  • Characteristics: want to be the best, work very effectively, put their heart in their work
  • Development potential: failure is OK, strive for what you yourself really want, dare to slow down

Type 4:
Romantic individualist, artist, tragic romantic, creative

  • Characteristics: creative, warm, compassionate, emotionally intelligent
  • Development potential: adjusting expectations about life and themselves, placing less focus on what is missing

Type 5:
Investigating thinker, wise man or woman, observer, philosopher

  • Characteristics: objective, analytical, likes to accumulate knowledge, persevering
  • Development potential: dealing with unforeseen circumstances, taking a less distant attitude, daring to get more in touch

Type 6:
Loyal guardian, devil’s advocate, hero, rebel

  • Characteristics: faithful, responsible, loyal to the group, critical
  • Development potential: less doubt, dare to take decisions yourself, trust in yourself

Type 7:
Entertaining optimist, charmer, dreamer, pleasure seeker

  • Characteristics: optimist, spontaneous, full of ideas, enjoy having fun
  • Development potential: finishing things, slowing down, less jumping from one thing to the next, dealing with emotional pain

Type 8:
Protective challenger, boss, warrior, leader

  • Characteristics: energetic, direct, live intensely, independent
  • Development potential: dare to be vulnerable, slowing down more, dare to let go of control

Type 9:
Peaceful mediator, peacemaker, saint, negotiator

  • Characteristics: neutral, relaxed, caring, understanding and unbiased
  • Development potential: dare to express dissatisfaction and doubts, tackle problems and don’t shy away from them

Want to know more?

More info about the Enneagram can be found at www.enneagramschool.be (in Dutch)

INTERESTED? Contact me without obligation to see how we can help one another.

Choose a job you love and you never have to work another day.

— Steve Jobs

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1-in-Coaching — “Reflect to move”

Professional coach and trainer for organisations, teams and individuals.

Contact Ilsa

Ilsa Goossens
0473 99 98 37

More about Ilsa


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