Team vitality
What is team vitality?
Each team member is responsible for achieving the collective goal. And everyone’s personal energy and mental strength largely determine success. But does everyone know each other’s strengths? And each other’s weaknesses? Vitality team training offers insights and points of reference to get a better grip on each other’s behaviour, and to use this to work on a vital, high-performing team.
When to call upon a coach?
This workshop can be set up as a team building exercise or to assist new teams or newly composed teams. Such a team intervention can help the team work together with renewed vigour and vitality. In this workshop, we look for new insights into ourselves and each other, and we use these to increase the team’s mental strength.
How do we approach this?
I personally review with you what exactly the team coaching need is and on that basis make a substantive project proposal together with an offer.
Contact me without obligation to see how we can help one another.
Coaching is universal language of change and learning
— Internet, The
1-in-coaching for teams
Communication & feedback
Clear communication within and outside the team can prevent many misunderstandings, i.e. frustrations and conflicts. Talking to each other instead of about each other. Everyone needs honest communication, appreciation and constructive criticism. But good feedback is scarce. Being able to recognise, appreciate and take advantage of each other’s differences is crucial to setting up a constructive dialogue.
Team effectiveness
Effective cooperation is not self-evident. Being able to recognise, appreciate and take advantage of each other’s differences is crucial the team’s success.
Team performance
As a company, you know that high-performing teams are crucial to achieving your objectives. A balanced team, with a focus on the desired result, is the cornerstone of your organisation.