
Personal growth

What is individual coaching?
Individual coaching is for those who want to take a real look at themselves, who want to make a positive change, under the guidance of a coach.

When to call upon a coach?

Possible issues you might be saddled with today:

Unsure of what you want, how to regain a healthy balance between work and private life, lack satisfaction in your job but don’t know how to deal with it, unable to say ‘no’, suffering from uncertainty, fear of failure, or looking for greater insight into yourself and your behaviour?

Individual coaching can help with these types of life career questions.

How do we approach this?

Career vouchers can be used to pay for this type of coaching. Career vouchers cost 40 euros for 4 hours of coaching. In between sessions, you receive assignments to enable us to make optimal use of the next session.

Visit VDAB.be/loopbaanbegeleiding to determine if you are eligible for career vouchers.

Interested? Contact me without obligation

For Career Vouchers I work with 361.

The internet is not a doctor

— Google, Inc.

More compasses for individual coaching

1-in-Coaching — “Reflect to move”

Professional coach and trainer for organisations, teams and individuals.

Contact Ilsa

Ilsa Goossens
0473 99 98 37

More about Ilsa


Shtick was here.