
HR Consultancy

What do I understand by HR Consultancy?
With more than 20 years’ experience as HR and Talent Manager in diverse environments, I have a thorough and broad basis for offering HR advice and counselling.

When do you need HR Consultancy?
If you have an HR issue concerning your recruitment policy, require training for managers to conduct recruitment interviews, need advice in drawing up a performance process, or for expanding a talent and development strategy, or need to temporarily reinforce your HR department, I can help as HR Consultant.

How do we approach this?

I personally review with you exactly what the need is and make a proposal on that basis.

Interested? Have questions or want to make an appointment? Contact me without obligation.

You can’t photoshop personality

— Someone, somewhere

1-in-coaching for companies

1-in-Coaching — “Reflect to move”

Professional coach and trainer for organisations, teams and individuals.

Contact Ilsa

Ilsa Goossens
0473 99 98 37

More about Ilsa


Shtick was here.